Les miZenables


It’s a little bit hard to write a Resume./履歴書書くのってちょっと難しくないすか

It’s a little bit hard to write a Resume.

Naturally, I googled it and found out that they are not for me.

The problem:

  • every example easily accessed are for those who have a variety of skills, experience and things to write. To complete a resume, it is needed to start thinking “What can I do, exactly. ” Of course, I’m writing a novel and everyday I perform some sort of fiction, then these skills should be used. However, I mean “in reality,” making up things is based your experience. In this case, it’s something like an exam or to be named as a test, needed to proof what kind of importance do you have for the society.

Reading examples of resumes, waiting an inspiration fallen through my body. Unconscious action is made by accumulating small things, for example, reading a resume par a day, writing a resume fictive and … and what….?

Speaking and writing in English or in other languages is easier than writing a document formal. Accuracy is less required. Even without it you can perform anyway. These sentences are made like that.




  • 簡単に手に入るどの履歴書も、才能豊かで経験豊富で書くこといっぱいなひとのために書かれてる。履歴書を完成させるためには、「実際自分に何ができるのか」ってところからはじめなきゃならない。もちろん、僕は小説を書いてるし、毎日フィクションやってるような人間だから、こういったスキルを使うべきなんだろうけど。でも実際には、何かをでっちあげるというのは、経験を下敷きにしてるものだ。この場合で言うと、履歴書を書くことは試験とか、テストと呼ばれるべき何かであって、社会に対してどんな重要性を持ってるのかを求められているようなものだ。

